Java Data Structures
February 19, 2022 • ☕️ 2 min read
This is a helpfull website to start
Basic Data Structures
Arrays,in%20a%20contiguous%20memory%20location.&text=Java%20array%20inherits%20the%20Object,in%20an%20array%20in%20Java. Arrays in Java
- fixed size
- sequential in memory
- similar data types
- inherits the Object, implements the Serializable and Cloneable interfaces
- int numbers[]=new int[5]; declaration and instantiation
- int numbers[]={33,3,4,5}; declaration, instantiation and initialization
- It store data on an internal array transient Object[] elementData
- It can not store primitive types
It has 3 constructors in Java 8, Java 7 has version only has 1 constructor
- ArrayList someArray = new ArrayList();
- new ArrayList(7) //default capacity is 10
- new ArrayList
(new LinkedList())
- Manipulation is slow because it internally uses an array. If any element is removed from the array, all array will be shifted
- It grows dynamically, If arraylist is full it create a new arraylist with %50 more capacity and copy all elements the bits are shifted in memory.
- better for storing and accessing
- internally uses a doubly linked list to store the elements
- better for manipulating
- it implements List
, Deque , Cloneable,
- All items are unique
- implements Set interface backend by hashtable which is actually hashmap
- doesn’t preserve the order
- objects are inserted as based on their hashcode
- NULL is not allowed
- implements Serializable and Cloneable interfaces